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Order of St Alexander Nevsky. Instituted in 1725

The star and badge of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky awarded to General. A.D.Balashov. Early 19th century
The star and badge of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky awarded to General. A.D.Balashov. Early 19th century

Smallsword. Mid-18th century
Badges (crosses) of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th century
Badges (crosses) of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th century

Badges (crosses) of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th century
Badges (crosses) of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th century

Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th-early 20th centuries
Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th-early 20th centuries

Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th-early 20th centuries
Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th -early 20th centuries

Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th-early 20th centuries
Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th-early 20th centuries

Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th-early 20th centuries
Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky. 19th-early 20th centuries

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