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Medals and crosses of the second half of the 18th century

Medal for the victory at Kuhnersdorf on August 1, 1759, for soldiers of the regular troops
Medal for the victory at Kuhnersdorf on August 1, 1759, for soldiers of the regular troops

Medal for the victory at Kuhnersdorf on August 1, 1759, for soldiers of the regular troops
Medal for the victory at Kuhnersdorf on August 1, 1759, for soldiers of the regular troops

Medal for Kuhnersdorf for commanders of Cossack regiments
Medal for Kuhnersdorf for commanders of Cossack regiments

Silver trumpet - а collective award for the taking of Berlin in 1760
Silver trumpet - а collective award for the taking of Berlin in 1760

Battle in Chesma Bay. 1770
Battle in Chesma Bay. 1770

Decoration medal for the victory in Chesma Bay
Decoration medal for the victory in Chesma Bay

Commemorative medal for the victory in Chesma Bay
Commemorative medal for the victory in Chesma Bay

Medal for the victory at Kagul on July 21, 1770
Medal for the victory at Kagul on July 21, 1770

Medal in honour of Field Marshal P.A.Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, who concluded a victorious peace with Turkey in 1774
Medal in honour of Field Marshal P.A.Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, who concluded a victorious peace with Turkey in 1774

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