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Medals of the petrovian period

Presentation enamel portrait of Peter the Great adorned with gems. Obverse. Early 18th century
Presentation enamel portrait of Peter the Great adorned with gems. Obverse. Early 18th century

Presentation enamel portrait of Peter the Great adorned with gems. Reverse. Early 18th century
Presentation enamel portrait of Peter the Great adorned with gems. Reverse. Early 18th century

Medal for the taking of Schliisselburg (Noteborg) by storm in 1702
Medal for the taking of Schliisselburg (Noteborg) by storm in 1702

Medal for the taking of Schliisselburg (Noteborg) by storm in 1702
Medal for the taking of Schliisselburg (Noteborg) by storm in 1702

Medal for the capture of two Swedish warships in the mouth of the Neva in 1702
Medal for the capture of two Swedish warships in the mouth of the Neva in 1702

Gold medal for the battle at Vaasa in 1714 - an officers' award
Gold medal for the battle at Vaasa in 1714 - an officers' award

Silver medal for the battle at Cape Hanko in 1714 - an award for rank-and-file participants in the battle
Silver medal for the battle at Cape Hanko in 1714 - an award for rank-and-file participants in the battle

Officers' gold medal for the victory at Grengam in 1720
Officers' gold medal for the victory at Grengam in 1720

Gold medal in commemoration of the Nystad peace with Sweden. 1721
Gold medal in commemoration of the Nystad peace with Sweden. 1721

Silver medal in commemoration of the Nystad peace with Sweden. 1721
Silver medals in commemoration of the Nystad peace with Sweden. 1721

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