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Awards of the Socialist Community Countries

Medal 'For Strengthening Combat Alliance'. USSR
Medal 'For Strengthening Combat Alliance'. USSR

Medal 'For Strengthening Comradeship in Arms' 1st Class. Czechoslovakia
Medal 'For Strengthening Comradeship in Arms' 1st Class. Czechoslovakia

Medal '25th Anniversary of the Bulgarian People's Army'. Bulgaria
Medal '25th Anniversary of the Bulgarian People's Army'. Bulgaria

Order 'Griinwald Cross' 2nd Class. Poland
Order 'Griinwald Cross' 2nd Class. Poland

Order of the Defence of the Motherland 3rd Class. Romania
Order of the Defence of the Motherland 3rd Class. Romania

Distinguished Service Order. Hungary
Distinguished Service Order. Hungary

Medal 'For Conspicuous Services to the National People's Army'. German Democratic Republic
Medal 'For Conspicuous Services to the National People's Army'. German Democratic Republic

Order of the Battle Red Banner. Mongolian People's Republic
Order of the Battle Red Banner. Mongolian People's Republic

Order of the State Banner. People's Democratic Republic of Korea
Order of the State Banner. People's Democratic Republic of Korea

Medal 'Granma'. Cuba
Medal 'Granma'. Cuba

During the Brotherhood in Arms exercise on the territory of the GDR. 1970
During the Brotherhood in Arms exercise on the territory of the GDR. 1970

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