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Medals in commemoration of jubilees of the Soviet Armed forces and length-of-service decorations for servicemen

Medal '20th Anniversary of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army'. First version. 1938
Medal '20th Anniversary of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army'. First version. 1938

Medal '20th Anniversary of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army'. Second version. 1938
Medal '20th Anniversary of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army'. Second version. 1938

Medal in commemoration of the 30th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces
Medal in commemoration of the 30th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces

Medal in commemoration of the 40th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces
Medal in commemoration of the 40th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces

Medal in commemoration of the 50th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces
Medal in commemoration of the 50th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces

Medal in commemoration of the 60th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces
Medal in commemoration of the 60th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces

Medal in commemoration of 70th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces
Medal in commemoration of 70th anniversaries of the Soviet Armed Forces

8-10. Medal for serving 20, 15 and 10 years in the Soviet Armed Forces)
8-10. Medal for serving 20, 15 and 10 years in the Soviet Armed Forces

Medal 'Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR'
Medal 'Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR'

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