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Partisans' decorations

Medal 'То Partisan of the Patriotic War' 1st  Class
Medal 'То Partisan of the Patriotic War' 1st Class

Medal 'То Partisan of the Patriotic War' 2st  Class
Medal 'То Partisan of the Patriotic War' 2st Class

Partisans of Byelorussia. July 1941
Partisans of Byelorussia. July 1941

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the medal 'To Russian Partisan'
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the medal 'To Russian Partisan'

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the badge of Major A.Yegorov's partisan brigade (Czechoslovakia)
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the badge of Major A.Yegorov's partisan brigade (Czechoslovakia)

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the Partisan's Cross (Poland)
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the Partisan's Cross (Poland)

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the medal 'For Participation in Anti-Fascist Struggle' (Bulgaria)
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the medal 'For Participation in Anti-Fascist Struggle' (Bulgaria)

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the medal 'To Fighter Against Nazism' (GDR)
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the medal 'To Fighter Against Nazism' (GDR)

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the order 'Partisan's Star' 1st Class (Yugoslavia)
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the order 'Partisan's Star' 1st Class (Yugoslavia)

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the medal 'To Participant in the Resistance' (Belgium)
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the medal 'To Participant in the Resistance' (Belgium)

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the Medal of the Resistance (France)
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: the Medal of the Resistance (France)

Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: and the medal 'To Russian Partisans' (Italy)
Foreign decorations of the Resistance awarded to Soviet citizens: and the medal 'To Russian Partisans' (Italy)

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