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Medals for the defence of cities and regions of the soviet union

Prototype of medal for the defence of Leningrad
Prototype of medal for the defence of Leningrad

Prototype of medal for the defence of Odessa
Prototype of medal for the defence of Odessa

Prototype of medal for the defence of Moscow
Prototype of medal for the defence of Moscow

Prototype of medal for the defence of Caucasus
Prototype of medal for the defence of Caucasus

Medal for the defence of Leningrad
Medal for the defence of Leningrad

Medal for the defence of Moscow
Medal for the defence of Moscow

Medal for the defence of Odessa
Medal for the defence of Odessa

Medal for the defence of Sevastopol
Medal for the defence of Sevastopol

Medal for the defence of Stalingrad
Medal for the defence of Stalingrad

Medal for the defence of Kiev
Medal for the defence of Kiev

Medal for the defence of the Caucasus
Medal for the defence of the Caucasus

Medal for the defence of the Soviet Transpolar Region
Medal for the defence of the Soviet Transpolar Region

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