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Order of Glory. Instituted in 1943

Unrealised prototype of the medal 'For the Defeat of the Germans near Moscow' designed by N.I.Moskalyov, which was used as the basic design of the Order of Glory
Unrealised prototype of the medal 'For the Defeat of the Germans near Moscow' designed by N.I.Moskalyov, which was used as the basic design of the Order of Glory

Unrealised prototype of the Order of Bagration. Designed by N.I.Moskalyov
Unrealised prototype of the Order of Bagration. Designed by N.I.Moskalyov

Order of Glory 1st Class
Order of Glory 1st Class

Order of Glory 2nd Class
Order of Glory 2nd Class

Order of Glory 3rd Class
Order of Glory 3rd Class

Decorations and decoration certificates of Hero of the Soviet Union A.V.Alyoshin, a holder of a complete set of the Order of Glory
Decoration certificates of Hero of the Soviet Union A.V.Alyoshin, a holder of a complete set of the Order of Glory

Decoration certificates of Hero of the Soviet Union A.V.Alyoshin, a holder of a complete set of the Order of Glory
Decoration certificates of Hero of the Soviet Union A.V.Alyoshin, a holder of a complete set of the Order of Glory

Decorations of Hero of the Soviet Union A.V.Alyoshin, a holder of a complete set of the Order of Glory
Decorations of Hero of the Soviet Union A.V.Alyoshin, a holder of a complete set of the Order of Glory

Decorations of Hero of the Soviet Union A.V.Alyoshin, a holder of a complete set of the Order of Glory
Decorations of Hero of the Soviet Union A.V.Alyoshin, a holder of a complete set of the Order of Glory

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