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Service decorations

Badge 'То Honest Soldier of the Karelian Front' - an award for participation in routing the White Finns at the end of 1921 and the beginning of 1922
Badge 'То Honest Soldier of the Karelian Front' - an award for participation in routing the White Finns at the end of 1921 and the beginning of 1922

Badge 'For Excellent Sabring'
Badge 'For Excellent Sabring'

Badge 'To Fighting Man of the OKDVA' - an award for men and commanders of the Order of the Red Banner Special Far Eastern District (OKDVA), commanded by V.K.Blyukher, who distinguished themselves in routing the White Chinese adventure. 1929
Badge 'To Fighting Man of the OKDVA' - an award for men and commanders of the Order of the Red Banner Special Far Eastern District (OKDVA), commanded by V.K.Blyukher, who distinguished themselves in routing the White Chinese adventure. 1929

Badge 'Khasan' - an award for participation in repulsing the attack of Japanese militarists near Lake Khasan in 1938
Badge 'Khasan' - an award for participation in repulsing the attack of Japanese militarists near Lake Khasan in 1938

Badge 'To Hero of the January, 1918 Events' at the Arsenal Works in Kiev, which was awarded to the workers who rose in arms against the nationalist government
Badge 'To Hero of the January, 1918 Events' at the Arsenal Works in Kiev, which was awarded to the workers who rose in arms against the nationalist government

Badge 'To Red Guardsman and Red Partisan', awarded to active participants in the Revolution and the Civil War in connection with the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution
Badge 'To Red Guardsman and Red Partisan', awarded to active participants in the Revolution and the Civil War in connection with the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution

Silver Star of Armenia - an award for merit in the struggle against counterre-volution in Soviet Armenia
Silver Star of Armenia - an award for merit in the struggle against counterre-volution in Soviet Armenia

Badge of Merit of the Tajik ASSR and a certificate to it - an award for participation in routing the basmachi in Tajikistan
Badge of Merit of the Tajik ASSR and a certificate to it - an award for participation in routing the basmachi in Tajikistan

Badge of Merit of the Tajik ASSR and a certificate to it - an award for participation in routing the basmachi in Tajikistan
Badge of Merit of the Tajik ASSR and a certificate to it - an award for participation in routing the basmachi in Tajikistan

Badge of honour 'To Red Fighting Man', awarded in the name of the Bukhara Central Executive Committee to servicemen who had distinguished themselves in fighting counterrevolution
Badge of honour 'To Red Fighting Man', awarded in the name of the Bukhara Central Executive Committee to servicemen who had distinguished themselves in fighting counterrevolution

Badge of honour of the Soviet Central Asian republics 'For Struggle Against the Basmachi'
Badge of honour of the Soviet Central Asian republics 'For Struggle Against the Basmachi'

Badge of honour of the Soviet Central Asian republics 'For Struggle Against the Basmachi'
Badge of honour of the Soviet Central Asian republics 'For Struggle Against the Basmachi'

Badge of honour of the Soviet Central Asian republics 'For Struggle Against the Basmachi'
Badge of honour of the Soviet Central Asian republics 'For Struggle Against the Basmachi'

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