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Awards of the period of the Caucasian wars

Cross 'For Service in the Caucasus'. 1864
Cross 'For Service in the Caucasus'. 1864

Cross '50th Anniversary of the Termination of the Caucasian Wars'. 1909
Cross '50th Anniversary of the Termination of the Caucasian Wars'. 1909)

Medal for participation in taking the cad (village) of Akhulgo by storm. 1839
Medal for participation in taking the cad (village) of Akhulgo by storm. 1839

Cavalry sabre of the Caucasian type - St Anne's presentation weapon 'For Gallantry'
Cavalry sabre of the Caucasian type - St Anne's presentation weapon 'For Gallantry'

Silver 'order' - badges of honour instituted by Imam Shamil. 2nd quarter of the 19th century
Silver 'order' - badges of honour instituted by Imam Shamil. 2nd quarter of the 19th century

Silver 'order' - badges of honour instituted by Imam Shamil. 2nd quarter of the 19th century
Silver 'order' - badges of honour instituted by Imam Shamil. 2nd quarter of the 19th century

Silver 'order' - badges of honour instituted by Imam Shamil. 2nd quarter of the 19th century
Silver 'order' - badges of honour instituted by Imam Shamil. 2nd quarter of the 19th century

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