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Order Of St John of Jerusalem (Order of the Knights of Malta)

Commander's badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem
Commander's badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem

Star of the Order of St John of Jerusalem
Star of the Order of St John of Jerusalem

Star of the Order of St John of Jerusalem
Star of the Order of St John of Jerusalem

Soldier badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem
Soldier badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem

Soldier badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem
Soldier badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem

An impression on copper of an unknown award for victory in a battle fought in 1800
An impression on copper of an unknown award for victory in a battle fought in 1800

An impression on copper of an unknown award for victory in a battle fought in 1800
An impression on copper of an unknown award for victory in a battle fought in 1800

Medal for irregular troops of the period of the rule of Paul I
Medal for irregular troops of the period of the rule of Paul I

Medal for irregular troops of the period of the rule of Paul I
Medal for irregular troops of the period of the rule of Paul I

Medal for irregular troops of the period of the rule of Paul I
Medal for irregular troops of the period of the rule of Paul I

Star, ribbon and badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem 1st Class
Star, ribbon and badge of the Order of St John of Jerusalem 1st Class

Emperor Paul I
Emperor Paul I

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