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Awards for irregular cossack troops. 18th century

Portrait of Brigadier T.F. Grekov, one of the commanders of the Don Army, with gold medals
Portrait of Brigadier T.F. Grekov, one of the commanders of the Don Army, with gold medals

Medal with a personal inscription awarded to Colonel T. Grekov
Medal with a personal inscription awarded to Colonel T. Grekov

Presentation sabre of F.M. Persidsky, Ataman of the Volga Cossack Army. 1757
Presentation sabre of F.M. Persidsky, Ataman of the Volga Cossack Army. 1757

Presentation scoop awarded to Stepan Yefremov, Ataman of the Don Army, 'for capturing interrogation prisoners of war in the Crimea'. 1738
Presentation scoop awarded to Stepan Yefremov, Ataman of the Don Army, 'for capturing interrogation prisoners of war in the Crimea'. 1738

Medal 'For Service and Gallantry' for Cossack troops
Medal 'For Service and Gallantry' for Cossack troops

Personal medals for Cossack commanders
Personal medals for Cossack commanders

Personal medals for Cossack commanders
Personal medals for Cossack commanders

Personal medals for Cossack commanders
Personal medals for Cossack commanders

Personal medals for Cossack commanders
Personal medals for Cossack commanders

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