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Combat decorations of the 16th-17th centuries

Portrait of Yermak Timofeyevieh. 17th century
Portrait of Yermak Timofeyevieh. 17th century

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries
Gold medals of the 16th-17th centuries

Presentation silver altyn (three-copeck piece). Late 17th - early 18th centuries
Presentation silver altyn (three-copeck pieces). Late 17th - early 18th centuries

Presentation silver altyn (three-copeck pieces). Late 17th - early 18th centuries
Presentation silver altyn (three-copeck pieces). Late 17th - early 18th centuries

Presentation silver altyn (three-copeck pieces). Late 17th - early 18th centuries
Presentation silver altyn (three-copeck pieces). Late 17th - early 18th centuries

Prince D.M.Pozharsky's sabre awarded him for driving invaders out of Moscow
Prince D.M.Pozharsky's sabre awarded him for driving invaders out of Moscow

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