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Russian Military Awards

The Order of Lenin State History Museum is one of the world's biggest depositories of historical relics. Its funds comprise over four million items relating to the country's history - fine collections of old clothing, weaponry, jewellery, woodwork, ceramics, etc. Alongside other relics, the museum boasts an extensive collection of military awards -orders, medals, presentation weapons, and honorary regimental colours - of the times of prerevolutionary Russia and of the Soviet period.

Russian and Soviet military awards are vivid monuments of the military history of our country, reminding one of the glorious pages of struggle with enemies of the Motherland. This booklet offers a narrative of these awards, of the heroes who were decorated with them and of the events which led to their decoration.

Battle of Poltava. An engraving The star of the Order of St Andrew the First-Called awarded to Ya.V. Bruce, who distinguished himself in the Battle of Poltava (1709)
Battle of Poltava. An engraving The star of the Order of St Andrew the First-Called awarded to Ya.V. Bruce, who distinguished himself in the Battle of Poltava (1709)

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